Connoisseurs of what is, in my humble opinion, the finest erotic science fiction graphic novel on the web will recognize the "re-imagining" [Hollywoodspeak for "blatant remake"] of Lucy Lastique's original costume-- her remarkably convenient ["SPROING!"] Deltiles.
The set is the "Cliffside" mesh by S L F, smoothed slightly, and with a simple planar UV map applied. Its textures are FranOnTheEdge's RustingGreenishPaint for the diffuse channel (tinted a bit), with ConcreteOldLichened as the bump map.
Our model's hair is, once more, by the indispensible Kozaburo -- this is his second Updo, with a texture of my own trial-and-error devising.
Finally, the brilliantly talented Reciecup created the delectable "Doll" skin texture. Again, I applied some tinting-- although the hue was inspired by her other fantasy characters.
I don't suppose there's an amateur photographer alive who could resist using a naturally-occurring frame in the scenery like this...
Hmm. It does seem a bit dodgy to apply the term "naturally-occurring" to a virtual universe, doesn't it? But what the heck, it conveys the idea.